About Us

Hi there an welcome! We’re Rogor and Debbie, and we want to take a moment to tell you all a little about us, about what we’re doing and where we’re going. These days we’ve come to realize that the journey thru life IS as important as the destination. We no longer want to take any part of this journey thru life for granted.

So here we are – ready to mix things up and make some changes to our direction. And in doing so, we hope to grow, to learn, and to experience life outside previous routines. So off we go…and we’re inviting you to come along!


After years of chasing a traditional “9 to 5” we’re doing a realignment in what’s important. Unfortunately we’re still far from rich, but we have figured it out enough to live moderately comfortable over the years. Like most folks at this point, we’ve grown and learned in various roles through each of our careers. We’ve spent time in the military, had travel and assignments in far off places, and we’ve performed numerous home moves all over the U.S to meet job demands.

Fortunately however we’ve also taken some play time to answer those inner calls to the wild. We’ve satisfied our adventurous spirits with time sailing, traveling, and both of us even becoming scuba instructors to help share our passions with others.

Those brief outings in nature while also carrying full-time roles, while enjoyable, also fueled that fire for wanting to do and see more! It was clear to us that we’d soon need to engage in our dream of sailing off into the sunset, and around the world.


Is it REALLY possible to pick up and just go?

We’ve owned a couple of sailboats and gained some limited coastal sailing experience over the years so this quest of ours isn’t THAT much of a leap. Still, the anticipation of sailing a boat beyond the horizon garners as much excitement for adventures as it does anxiety. Not going isn’t an option however. For the time being just say that we’re considering our ability to be optimistic while under-qualified definitely to be in our asset column. We’ll learn as we go.

Luckily we also love nature is all its many forms. From swimming with sea turtles, to admiring manta rays thriving in their natural habitats – we’re even fascinated by those mean pelicans that give us the evil eye as we pass by them on the dock. We’re in high hopes of getting to know them all better and look forward to interacting with every creature we encounter.

Hmmm…maybe not the pelicans… 🥴


As we step forward into our ultimate journey, we’ll be documenting and then categorizing our future posts, updates and videos in the following groupings:

Getting Our Boat Ready – We’ll try to capture our challenges, lessons and experiences along the way.

Our Sailing Adventure – Raise the Mainsail, Hoist the jib! Let’s see where the wind takes us and what we can see. No doubt we’ll have lots of lessons to learn with our new boat and thrilling experiences to share from our travels.

Thinking Local – Getting to know our local community is a big part of why we’re doing this. Avoiding the big box chain stores, we’ll seek out the local vendors that make up our community. We’re always on the hunt for a good farmer’s market, winery or local, family-owned diner.

Come join us on our upcoming adventures!

“Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than those you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from safe harbor. Catch the wind in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”

– Mark Twain
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