Current Projects

The ‘projects’ on a boat are – endless. However they truly are a ‘labor of love’ for our floating home.

Granted that we’re finding that for every item that we install or upgrade, there’s always an additional one (or two) that reveal themselves and are added for ‘repair’ or ‘replace’. Saltwater is a harsh environment. But, overall its worth it to maintain and improve our home for the future travels.

Current projects are getting prioritized based on what it’s going to take to move out of our land-based home and live full time on her. No, there’s no definitive time to quit and pull anchor, but we need to take steps in that direction.

Priorities the way we see it as follows:

Become Self Sufficient – the quest to disconnect from land power sources and become self-sufficient. Many of day-to-day living comforts that we take for granted on land; power, water, etc.

Projects underway:

Living Comforts – while not technically required to live, these are items that we need to make it feel like ‘home’.

  • Air Conditioner
  • Washer/Dryer

Next Up:

  • Electricity to the Galley

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