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We’ve found that sharing our story provides joy to us and to those within our ever growing circle. As we discover our path we’re sure we’ll find many others with a similar desire for change and adventure.

We sincerely hope that our stories provide value, whether it’s just for entertainment or through information that we provide. If you like what you find here there are a lot of ways you can show your support.


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Leave Comments – Nothing is worse than feeling like you are speaking to an empty room.  We’ve learned plenty over the years from others’ insights. The comment sections, within our website, are the perfect places for words of encouragement, asking simple questions, or just chiming in with your own thoughts, experiences and stories.


And of course if you find what we create entertaining, helpful or inspirational, and want to help financially to keep it going, feel free to donate to our tip jar.

“It’s not what you gather, but what you scatter that tells what kind of life you have lived.”

Helen R. Walton
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